Svend Frederiksen Maskinfabrik A/S was founded in 1961.
The main customer group is large industrial companies in many sectors that need an external steel department.
We employ about 25 highly qualified employees and have a modern machine park in a production area of 1,500 m2.
Our quality management system has been certified according to DS/ISO 9003 from 1992 to 2001.
Svend Frederiksen Maskinfabrik A/S is a subcontractor with the following conceptual basis:
We aim to cooperate with customers who value
We want to be known as the Subcontractor within iron and metal on Funen, who always helps our customers with their tasks and projects in the form of Prototypes, Mock-up's, Start-up production, 0-series, single piece and serial production and all the way to actual System deliveries.
Our aim is to be an attractive overall economic relationship for our customers.
It is the sum of our specialties that makes us a versatile subcontractor.
What we think, say and do must be fair and beneficial to all involved.
To prevent any deviation from specified requirements during production, assembly and final inspection, and to take action in the event of deviations so as to build respect for contractual compliance - both within the company and with our customers and suppliers.
Svend Frederiksen Maskinfabrik A/S has the following objectives for the Working Environment:
Ensure a good working environment with compliance with relevant applicable rules and guidance.
Demonstrate an open and active attitude towards information on health and safety issues in relation to employees, authorities,
neighbors, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.
Through information and training, motivate our employees to act in accordance with the company's
health and safety policy.
Health and safety conditions must be continuously improved through continuous development of management methods, production processes,
products, environmental and safety measures.
The safety and health of individuals is everyone's responsibility.